Patty Wetterling–advocate for a federal sex offender registry–speaks on Ted Talk

Source: 9/14/23

(KNSI) – TEDx St. Cloud is set for Thursday, October 12th, inside the Paramount Theatre.

The program runs from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. and will feature talks from six presenters.

Patty Wetterling will deliver what is sure to be an emotional address. She became an advocate for a federal sex offender registry and other child safety measures after her 11-year-old son was abducted and eventually killed in October 1989.

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Hasn’t Patty Wetterling recently spoken out AGAINST registration laws realizing that they have gone too far??? I’d be curious to hear what she has to say.

Hate to say it, but nothing she has to say will sway anyones opinion on the registry. The ball is already rolling and no amount force can stop it. Not even God himself, who I have personally challenged about this. It’s free will, and people choose to hate, they basically say “I don’t like what you did, I know it didn’t hurt anyone but I just don’t like it, so shame on you, I’m better than you are”. They lump all sex offenses as being the same grave painful traumatic life altering event that Noone can ever get over. And nothing Patty has to say, no amount of emotions she conveys will do anything to abolish the registry.

I read somewhere she was advocating for juveniles and youth offenders like myself who were put on the registry at 17-18 years old BUT unfortunately Patty the damage is already done, I’m in my 40’s now and I’ve spent all my youth on the registry, I didn’t get to enjoy any of it.

Not one single person can un-ring this bell. Patty was badgered relentlessly fora “call to action” and fell pray to the child safety advocates that just used her tragedy to rush the Online registry into fruition. The Internet was still in it’s infancy with no smartphones or apps or alerts. It was sold on the notion that one would visit a website via a computer to access the information. WE ALL KNOW HOW THIS THING HAS MORPHED INTO PUNISHMENT SINCE TECHNOLOGY HAS FAR EXCEEDED THE ORIGINAL PREMISE.

The biggest irony is the registry is not even “justice,” it’s more spite, punishment and retaliatory vengeance. The biggest fallacy is they think it’s a deterrent. The human folly of taking pride in something as fruitless as the registry is pure revenge fantasy material. I do take pride in knowing that It will never prevent the same thing from happening to another parent.

Put simply: The public was sold a lie and they fell for it.

Lou Kohls, child porn sex offender, was said by Michael Bahner to be “best friends” with Jerry Wetterling before Jacob disappeared. Vern Seitz, child porn sex offender and self proclaimed satanist said he knew the Wetterlings for about 7-8 years BEFORE Jacob went missing. Jerry and Patty knew the Richard Bahner, Sr. family very well BEFORE Jacob went missing. Jacob helped babysit at Brenda Bahner’s in Waite Park. The Bahner family members served prison time for child porn. Generationally.

So, Patty and Jerry, there is something wrong with this picture. And the evidence proves it.

Well, what do you know?! Yesterday was the day this aired and could be watched to see what Patty Wetterling had to say.

Last edited 1 year ago by TS